Material Selection:

For the food and pharmaceutical industries, stainless steel 304 is often a good choice, while stainless steel 316 offers better performance but at a higher cost. For very specific applications, other materials may be required.

Our designers are trained in hygienic design. We collaborate with our clients, considering their processes and adhering to international standards for the food and pharmaceutical industries, such as:

  • GMP - Good Manufacturing Practices:
    These are international guidelines for the production and quality control of pharmaceutical products, aimed at minimizing risks. Alinco possesses the necessary knowledge of the requirements for designing its sheet metal products.

  • ISO 14644:
    Standards for the classification of air cleanliness in cleanrooms and controlled environments, with a specific focus on particle concentration. Alinco has designed numerous LAF ceilings with CG screens and sets very high standards for quality design.

  • FDA (Food and Drug Administration):
    Refers to U.S. regulations for the reliability and integrity of electronic records and signatures in pharmaceutical production. Alinco ensures that its designs and accessories (seals, silicone, etc.) are FDA-approved.

  • Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP):
    A preventive system for identifying and controlling food safety risks by managing critical control points. Alinco has the expertise to produce in compliance with HACCP standards.

  • EHEDG Guidelines:
    EHEDG provides recommendations from the European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group for the hygienic design of equipment and installations in the food industry, which Alinco follows in its design and manufacturing processes.

Our Expertise

At Alinco, we strictly follow these standards to ensure our products meet the highest hygienic requirements. Whether it's racks, containers, carts, furniture, kettles, or platforms, we ensure everything meets the required hygienic standards and certifications.

Design Support - Did You Know?

Service support is very important, especially design support. Elsewhere on the website (+ link), you will find a lot of design info; we are also happy to design your desired product ourselves. The fact that our designers have direct contact with production means we design both cost-efficiently and functionally. So, do you have a machine enclosure to design? Ask for our advice. This support can include:

  • Telephone advice
  • A Teams meeting
  • Complete design by Alinco according to your wishes Depending on the request, this can be free or paid; contact us for more info.