1. Material Quality

  1. Indoor kitchens: Standard stainless steel (SS 304).
  2. Outdoor kitchens / Marine kitchens: Stainless steel (SS 316) due to its higher corrosion resistance.

2. Finishes

  1. Directionless Brushed: Trendy and user-friendly. This finish, also known as cloud, shiver, or Vibrinox, makes scratches less visible and can be relatively easily refreshed. Directionless brushing provides a beautiful, natural patina. A free sample is available upon request. Currently, 90% of kitchen worktops are made with this finish; we personally consider this by far the best option.
  2. Linear Brushed: Traditional and commonly used for kitchen appliances. Scratches are more visible, and the surface is more prone to stains. Free sample available upon request.
  3. Glass Bead Blasted: Less suitable for kitchen worktops due to its higher roughness, which promotes dirt accumulation. Free sample available upon request.
Request sample
Inox werkblad richtingloos geborsteld

3. Structure and Thickness

  1. Flat Plate: Available in thicknesses of 3, 4, 5, or 6 mm. Thicknesses of 8 mm or more need to be made from hot-rolled sheets and are less suitable for the desired finishes. This plate is placed loosely on a base cabinet, usually with a shadow gap, creating a beautiful effect.
  2. Flat Plate adhered to a wooden substrate: For example, flat stainless steel adhered to plywood. Due to differences in expansion coefficients and the fact that neither plate is ever 100% flat, we strongly advise against this application. The risk of gaps is high, and we are not satisfied with a "60% chance of success."
  3. Folded Plate with Edges: For visually thicker edges (20-50 mm). Ideal for placement over existing supports. This variant is less common and feels somewhat "dated." For the correct dimensions of a wooden template to be provided by you, you can find the specifications under "downloads" at the bottom of the page.
Detail keukenwerkblad

4. Sinks

  1. Seamlessly Welded: Various models, often from Franke, Blanco, or others. Seamlessly welded for a sleek and hygienic finish. We can weld both individual sinks and sink units with a drainer. Please confirm with Alinco whether a sink can be welded; we primarily need a flat top edge all around. When requesting a quote, please indicate whether you will supply the sinks yourself or if we should provide them.
  2. Undermounted Sinks: Only the opening is provided by Alinco, but we advise against this variant (from a hygienic and strength perspective). Stainless steel is a durable material, and the intention is that the worktop lasts for many years; spread over time, welding a sink is only a small additional cost.
  3. Drainer: You can either choose a sink unit with a drainer or, if desired, we can provide a sleek, slightly sloped section towards the sink.

If you want a drainer, you have the following options:

  1. You choose a sink unit with a drainer.
  2. We provide a fine, slightly sloped surface towards the sink.
  3. We provide a full depression around the sinks; however, there is a risk that if the countertop is not mounted perfectly level, water may remain on this edge.
  4. A full water barrier on the edge of the countertop. This is outdated and we would only recommend it if functionally necessary.

5. Materials

Inox (Stainless Steel): Popular due to its durability, heat resistance, and suitability for food contact. It offers a long lifespan and is easy to maintain.

Alternative Materials:

  1. Aluminum: Not suitable for food contact, less scratch-resistant.
  2. Brass/Copper: Expensive, difficult to process, not suitable for food contact.
  3. Blue Steel: Beautiful but requires a lot of maintenance, not suitable for food contact and therefore not appropriate for a kitchen environment (Important to know!).
  4. Hot-rolled stainless steel sheet: This is another trend that some have tried to launch, but we do not support it (and it has not gained traction).
Spoeltafel spatwand

6. Backsplashes

  1. Flat Inox Plate: Standard thickness of 1-1.5 mm. Attached with Tec 7, available in the same finishes as worktops. Cutouts for power outlets are measured in advance.


For maintenance tips and more information, you can consult our website here.

Practical Information

Alinco does not handle measuring or installation of kitchen worktops. However, we can assist you with questions and practical design.
Kitchen worktops and backsplashes are the only products Alinco manufactures for private individuals; aside from that, we do not work for private customers.