What is Segment Bending?

Segment bending is a specialized technique in metalworking, where a sheet is bent into multiple segments to create complex and rounded shapes.

Note:The rounder the shape, the more bends are required, and thus, the more expensive it becomes! Segment bends are often visible for economic reasons, so this should be discussed during the quotation/execution process.

Our Expertise

At Alinco, we have proprietary techniques for performing segment bending. We consistently demonstrate to our clients the possibilities and advantages of this versatile technique.

Cone met plooisegementen

Advantages of Segment Bending

  1. Ideal for shaping sheets where rolling/plate rolling is technically no longer feasible, such as cones and troughs.
  1. Contrary to popular belief, segment bending allows us to create very smooth and round surfaces without visible angular transitions.


Whether it’s about creating complex cones, troughs, or other rounded shapes, segment bending offers a solution when traditional methods fall short.

Gecenterde cones
Troggen mbv plooisegmenten